Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Shout to the Lord

Each night during the trip, we have gathered together as a group to worship. David Grimm along with several singers lead us each night in singing. Upon arriving in Brazil, we discovered that one of our interpreters played the saxophone and another played the guitar. They have joined our group each night and formed our own little praise team.

Each night, we have heard testimonies from people on the team about what God is doing on a daily basis in our project. Pastor Lyle Larson from Ripley First Baptist Church leads us in a time of Bible Study. We talked about asking God to help us to focus daily on what He is doing in our midst. We have also journeyed through the beginning of the book of Acts and discovered how to prepare for and recognize God moving.

Since we did not have obligations at any local churches on Sunday morning, we held our own service at our condo. That morning we had some surprise visitors. A family staying in the condo heard the music and came to join us for worship. Our plans for the morning service quickly altered as we added an interpreter to our time together. We discovered after the worship service that the mother was a believer but the rest of the family was not. We invited them to come again on Monday night.

We did not know whether the family would come again or not. As the time for service approached, we noticed that they had come again along with several other Brazilians. We forged ahead again with the entire service being interpreted. We sang songs in both Portugese and English praising God together. We studied the apostles response to so many people accepting Jesus after Peter's sermon in Acts 2. We also talked about the importance of trusting Jesus as Savior. Following the service, one of the Brazilians that came told our missionary, Tony Gray, that he had asked Jesus to come into his heart. Praise be to God.

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